Tag Archives: Ava Marie

Fluid Movement’s Rebel Teen in the News!

2 Aug

Check us out! We’ve been getting some great press from Baltimore’s media!

The Baltimore Guide:

“If you had used the words “water ballet” and Patterson Park in the same sentence in 1999, people would have laughed—and not necessarily in a good way. A water ballet? Esther Williams style, with bathing caps, beautiful swim suits, and synchronized swimming, in Highlandtown? Well, more improbably successful things have happened in Charm City. Read more…

What Weekly:

“The summer of ’99 saw Fluid Movement’s Baltimore beginnings. Its birth was also a rebirth—it helped rekindle community interest in East Baltimore’s Patterson Park. The collective’s DIY spirit and all-age-appropriate themes reach a crowd beyond that of the typical hip young masses of performance art audiences. But they still made it cool to hang out in Patterson again. Read more…

City Paper: 

“WE SAY…OK, the title got us too. Like us, you were probably wondering, What is this? The answer is undoubtedly ridiculous and embarrassing and awesome, all wrapped into 50 minutes by the pool. Read more…
Maryland Transit Authority:
“Is there something in Baltimore’s water supply that makes the unusual, the outrageous and the deliciously charming so commonplace here? Read more…
Even WBAL’s Ava Marie got in on the act…literally!
If you missed the show’s debut in Druid Hill Park last weekend, don’t despair – you have another chance! Rebel Teen from Starship 12 will be at Patterson Park THIS WEEKEND with shows at 5pm and 7pm Saturday and Sunday. Don’t miss out! Advance tickets can be purchased at brownpapertickets.com, key word: REBEL.

Olympic Hopefuls?

19 Jul

No, not really, though we are excited to watch them (especially the synchronized swimming events, of course!).  However, we were lucky enough to get a call from Ava Marie at WBAL. It seems Ava was looking to learn about a number of Olympic sports and would we be willing to introduce her to the wonderful world of synchronized swimming? How could we say no! So Monday morning an intrepid crew of volunteers came out to Fluid Movement board member Tim Train’s pool to show Ava the ropes.

Interviewing Val before hopping in!

Our awesome volunteer swimmers demonstrate a group star maneuver.

And finish off with a fancy clam!

After we got a chance to show off a little it was time to get Ava in the water:

First we got her properly kitted up in a stylish leopard-print cap and some fierce green goggles.

Then Val walked her through some basic water ballet techniques. Here she demonstrates the eggbeater.

Here Ava practices one of the most basic moves – the horizontal layout.

Then it was time to try out an advanced move! Here Ava tries out the sinking ballet leg. Not bad for a first timer!

Many thanks to Ava Marie, Steve Adams and WBAL Channel 11 for coming out, being good sports and getting a taste of water ballet!

Check out these REAL Olympic hopefuls! See more olympic-athletes-in-training photos here.